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Dr Anno Oex­le has been spe­cia­li­sing in envi­ron­men­tal and plan­ning law for over 20 years. As a spe­cia­list lawy­er for admi­nis­tra­ti­ve law, he assists com­pa­nies in the rea­li­sa­ti­on of indus­tri­al and infra­struc­tu­re pro­jects. Cli­ents also seek his advice in envi­ron­men­tal cri­sis situa­tions, such as hazar­dous inci­dents, cri­ti­cal dischar­ge and dis­po­sal pro­ces­ses or envi­ron­men­tal dama­ge. In the­se cases, Dr Oex­le also advi­ses on envi­ron­men­tal cri­mi­nal law and envi­ron­men­tal com­pli­ance. Dr Oex­le also has spe­cial exper­ti­se in the area of cli­ma­te regu­la­ti­on and the law of the cir­cu­lar eco­no­my, inclu­ding exten­ded pro­du­cer respon­si­bi­li­ty. In addi­ti­on to his clear ana­ly­ti­cal skills, cli­ents app­re­cia­te his crea­ti­vi­ty, prag­ma­tism and assertiveness.

Dr Oex­le has been nomi­na­ted one of the nation’s lea­ding lawy­ers in envi­ron­men­tal and plan­ning law by the busi­ness press seve­ral times.

Cur­ri­cu­lum vitae

Law stu­dies in Con­s­tance and Münster

Rese­arch assistant at the Insti­tu­te for Public Com­mer­cial Law at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Müns­ter with Prof Dr Dirk Ehlers

Doc­to­ra­te with a the­sis on immis­si­on con­trol and buil­ding law under Prof Dr Dirk Ehlers

Ein­tritt in die Sozie­tät Köh­ler & Klett (heu­te okl & part­ner), Büro Köln, 2002

Seit 2006: Part­ner der Sozie­tät Köh­ler & Klett (heu­te okl & partner)

Sin­ce 2010: Spe­cia­list lawy­er for admi­nis­tra­ti­ve law

Regu­lar publi­ca­ti­ons and lec­tures on topics from the fields of envi­ron­ment, cli­ma­te, plan­ning, cir­cu­lar economy

Mem­ber of the Board of the Ger­man Asso­cia­ti­on for Was­te Manage­ment (DGAW)


Com­men­ta­ry on § 45 ff. of the Act on the Deve­lo­p­ment and Pro­mo­ti­on of Wind Ener­gy at Sea (Wind­SeeG),
in: Kle­men­t/­Mül­ler-Terpitz (eds.), Kom­men­tar zum Ener­gie­recht, Nomos Ver­lag [publi­ca­ti­on expec­ted in ear­ly 2023].

Exten­ded pro­du­cer respon­si­bi­li­ty,
in: Kurth/Oexle/Faulstich (eds.), Hand­buch der Kreis­lauf- und Roh­stoff­wirt­schaft, 2nd edi­ti­on 2022, Ver­lag Sprin­ger Vieweg

Cir­cu­lar eco­no­my and cli­ma­te pro­tec­tion,
in: Kurth/Oexle/Faulstich (eds.), Hand­buch der Kreis­lauf- und Roh­stoff­wirt­schaft, 2nd edi­ti­on 2022, Ver­lag Sprin­ger Vieweg

On the (in)applicability of the Fuel Emis­si­ons Tra­ding Act to was­te,
in: Kli­ma und Recht (KlimR) [published in 05/2022].

Bench­marks and assess­ment prin­ci­ples in the law on was­te char­ges,
in: Neue Zeit­schrift für Ver­wal­tungs­recht (NVwZ) 2021, p. 1321 ff. [in col­la­bo­ra­ti­on with Prof Dr R. Breuer].

Design of branch-based take-back sys­tems for old tex­ti­les,
in: Schmoll/Boeminghaus (eds.), Mode­recht – Ver­mark­tung und Ver­trieb , 1st edi­ti­on 2021, p. 191 ff., Ver­lag C.H. Beck.

Cli­ma­te poli­cy befo­re the admi­nis­tra­ti­ve courts – chal­lenges of „cli­ma­te chan­ge liti­ga­ti­on“,
in: Neue Zeit­schrift für Ver­wal­tungs­recht (NVwZ) 2020, p. 1723 ff. [in col­la­bo­ra­ti­on with T. Lammers].

Com­men­ta­ry on § 4 KrWG (by-pro­ducts), the Com­mer­cial Was­te Ordi­nan­ce, the Was­te Ship­ment Ordi­nan­ce as well as § 7 Ver­packG (sys­tem par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on obli­ga­ti­on), § 18 Ver­packG (aut­ho­ri­sa­ti­on) and § 22 Ver­packG (coor­di­na­ti­on),
in: Schmehl/Klement (eds.), Gemein­schafts­kom­men­tar zum Kreis­lauf­wirt­schafts­ge­setz (GK-KrWG), 2nd edi­ti­on 2019, Carl Heymanns Verlag.

On the scope of take-back sys­tems in the con­text of vol­un­t­a­ry pro­duct responsibility,
in: Zeit­schrift für das Recht der Abfall­wirt­schaft (AbfallR) 2019, p. 223 ff. [in col­la­bo­ra­ti­on with T. Lammers].

Pre­ven­ti­ve flood pro­tec­tion in ports and shi­py­ards – scope for port deve­lo­p­ment,
2018, Nomos Ver­lag [in col­la­bo­ra­ti­on with Prof Dr R. Breuer].

End-of-was­te sta­tus of sub­sti­tu­te buil­ding mate­ri­als. Incom­pa­ti­bi­li­ty of § 21 sen­tence 3 of the draft bill for a sub­sti­tu­te buil­ding mate­ri­als ordi­nan­ce with hig­her-ran­king fede­ral law and EU law,
in: Zeit­schrift für das Recht der Abfall­wirt­schaft (AbfallR) 2017, p. 110 ff. [in col­la­bo­ra­ti­on with T. Lammers].

The EU Commission’s cir­cu­lar eco­no­my packa­ge,
in: Flamme/Gellenbeck/Rotter/Kranert/Nelles/Quicker (eds.), Müns­te­ra­ner Schrif­ten zur Abfall­wirt­schaft, vol. 17, 2017, p. 49 ff.

Envi­ron­men­tal manage­ment as an inte­gral part of com­pli­ance manage­ment in indus­tri­al com­pa­nies,
in: Com­pli­ance-Bera­ter (CB) 2016, p. 25 ff. [in col­la­bo­ra­ti­on with Dr H. Schlemminger].

Dis­po­sal of old elec­tri­cal appli­ances on behalf of the owner,
in: Zeit­schrift für das Recht der Abfall­wirt­schaft (AbfallR) 2016, p. 27 ff. [in coope­ra­ti­on with T. Lammers].

Com­pli­ance in recy­cling and was­te manage­ment,
in: Hauschka/Moosmayer/Lösler (eds.), Cor­po­ra­te Com­pli­ance, 3rd edi­ti­on 2016, p. 1628 ff., C.H. Beck Ver­lag [in col­la­bo­ra­ti­on with T. Lammers].

Vol­un­t­a­ry pro­duct respon­si­bi­li­ty: Take-back of old clo­thes by retailers,
in: Neue Zeit­schrift für Ver­wal­tungs­recht (NVwZ) 2015, p. 1490 ff. [in col­la­bo­ra­ti­on with T. Lammers].

Reco­ver­ed paper judgment befo­re the BVerfG (Ger­man Fede­ral Con­sti­tu­tio­nal Court) – The bea­ring of the court order of 28/08/2014,
in: Zeit­schrift für das Recht der Abfall­wirt­schaft (AbfallR) 2015, p. 192 ff. [in col­la­bo­ra­ti­on with T. Lammers].

Influen­ces of public law on the draf­ting of civil law con­tracts in the cir­cu­lar eco­no­my,
in: Posser/Pünder/Schröder (eds.), Fest­schrift zum 70. Geburts­tag von Prof Dirk Ehlers, p. 622 ff., 2015, C.H. Beck Ver­lag [in col­la­bo­ra­ti­on with Dr A. de Diego].

Com­mer­cial coll­ec­tion of bio­was­te from pri­va­te house­holds – Pure theo­ry or alre­a­dy cur­rent practice?,
in: Dornack/Scholwin/Liebetreu/Faßauer/Nelles (eds.), Tagungs­band zur 10. Bio­gas­ta­gung in Dres­den, 2015, p. 13 ff. [in col­la­bo­ra­ti­on with T. Lam­mers and Dr A. Ochs].

On the rela­ti­onship bet­ween mining law and soil pro­tec­tion law after the BVerwG decis­i­on of 21/04/2015,
in: Zeit­schrift für Deut­sches und Euro­päi­sches Was­ser, Abwas­ser- und Boden­schutz­recht (W+B) 2015, p. 227 ff. [in col­la­bo­ra­ti­on with T. Lammers].

On the deve­lo­p­ment of was­te ship­ment law,
in: Zeit­schrift für Euro­päi­sches Umwelt- und Pla­nungs­recht (EurUP) 2014, p. 33 ff.

Was­te­wa­ter levy for the dischar­ge of pol­lu­ted pre­ci­pi­ta­ti­on water via a non-public sewer sys­tem,
in: Zeit­schrift für Deut­sches und Euro­päi­sches Was­ser, Abwas­ser- und Boden­schutz­recht (W+B) 2014, p. 121 ff. [in col­la­bo­ra­ti­on with Prof Dr R. Breuer].

Legal ques­ti­ons con­cer­ning the per­mis­si­bi­li­ty of com­mer­cial coll­ec­tion of bio­was­te,
in: Zeit­schrift für das Recht der Abfall­wirt­schaft (AbfallR) 2014, p. 225 ff. [in col­la­bo­ra­ti­on with T. Lammers].

Was­te trans­fer obli­ga­ti­ons under was­te law – on the edge bet­ween ser­vices of gene­ral inte­rest and mar­ket eco­no­my,
in: Kurth/Oexle/Faulstich (eds.), Hand­buch der Kreis­lauf- und Roh­stoff­wirt­schaft, 1st edi­ti­on 2017, p. 91 ff., Sprin­ger Verlag.

Lia­bi­li­ty in the canal user rela­ti­onship,
in: Zeit­schrift für Deut­sches und Euro­päi­sches Was­ser, Abwas­ser- und Boden­schutz­recht (W+B) 2013, p. 208 ff. [in col­la­bo­ra­ti­on with T. Lammers].

Through the back door: Does § 1004 BGB entit­le muni­ci­pa­li­ties to pro­hi­bit on-site cor­rec­tion of misfilling?
in: Zeit­schrift für das Recht der Abfall­wirt­schaft (AbfallR) 2011, p. 128 ff.

Dis­clo­sure of the pro­du­cer in the case of cross-bor­der drop ship­ment of Green List was­te,
in: Zeit­schrift für das Recht der Abfall­wirt­schaft (AbfallR) 2011, p. 36 ff. [in col­la­bo­ra­ti­on with Dr O. Kropp].

Com­pli­ance in recy­cling and was­te management,
in: Haus­ch­ka (ed.), Cor­po­ra­te Com­pli­ance, 2nd edi­ti­on 2010, p. 1012 ff., C.H. Beck Verlag.

Com­men­ta­ry on the EC Was­te Ship­ment Regu­la­ti­on,
2010, Carl Heymanns Ver­lag [joint edi­tor­ship with Prof Dr A. Epi­ney and Prof Dr R. Breuer].

On the amend­ment of the Fede­ral Immis­si­on Con­trol Act by the Envi­ron­men­tal Law Reform Act,
in: Zeit­schrift für das Recht der Abfall­wirt­schaft (AbfallR) 2009, p. 11 ff.

The sale of con­ta­mi­na­ted land in the area of con­flict bet­ween con­tract law and soil pro­tec­tion law,
in: Egloffstein/Burkhardt (eds.), 10 Jah­re BBo­dSchV in Deutsch­land, 2009, p. 21 ff.

Legal issues of the new ship­ment law,
in: Zeit­schrift für Umwelt­recht (ZUR) 2007, p. 460 ff.

Com­pli­ance in recy­cling and was­te management,
in: Haus­ch­ka (Hrsg.), Cor­po­ra­te Com­pli­ance, 1. Auf­la­ge 2007, S. 715 ff., C.H. Beck Verlag.

Legal ques­ti­ons of on-site cor­rec­tion of mis­fil­ling – The limits of muni­ci­pal sta­tu­te law in defi­ning the time of trans­fer,
in: Neue Zeit­schrift für Ver­wal­tungs­recht (NVwZ) 2007, p. 1125 ff.

The new Elec­tri­cal and Elec­tro­nic Equip­ment Act,
in: Zeit­schrift für das Recht der Abfall­wirt­schaft (AbfallR) 2005, p. 98 ff.

Public enter­pri­ses in the focus of public pro­cu­re­ment and com­pe­ti­ti­on law – deve­lo­p­ments and per­spec­ti­ves,
in: Zeit­schrift für Kom­mu­nal­wirt­schaft 2005, p. 204 ff.

On the per­mis­si­bi­li­ty of joint sto­rage of MBT was­te with was­te within the mea­ning of § 6 para. 3 sen­tence 1 of the Ordi­nan­ce on Land­fills and Long-term Sto­rage Faci­li­ties (DepV),
in: Müll und Abfall 2005, p. 364 ff. [in col­la­bo­ra­ti­on with Dr-Ing J. Dach and H. Krampen].

The new land­fill law in enforce­ment – On the exe­cu­ti­on of admi­nis­tra­ti­ve acts by the legis­la­tor,
in: Neue Zeit­schrift für Ver­wal­tungs­recht (NVwZ) 2004, p. 1301 ff.

Con­ta­mi­na­ted soil as was­te – com­ment on ECJ, judgment of 07/09/2004, Case C1/03 (Van de Wal­le and others),
in: Euro­päi­sche Zeit­schrift für Wirt­schafts­recht / Euro­pean Jour­nal of Busi­ness Law (EuZW) 2004, p. 627 ff.

On the nul­li­ty of de fac­to awards wit­hout a com­pe­ti­ti­ve pro­ce­du­re – com­ment on the decis­i­on of the OLG Düs­sel­dorf (Düs­sel­dorf Hig­her Regio­nal Court) of 03/12/2003,
in: Ver­ga­be­recht (Ver­ga­beR) 2004, p. 302 ff. [in col­la­bo­ra­ti­on with Dr D. R. Lück].

On the for­mal con­sti­tu­tio­na­li­ty of sub­stan­ti­ve pre­clu­si­on norms in the law of the Län­der,
in: Baye­ri­sche Ver­wal­tungs­blät­ter (BayVBl) 2004, p. 265 ff.

The rela­ti­onship bet­ween the EC Was­te Ship­ment Regu­la­ti­on and the EC Trea­ty after the Daim­ler­Chrys­ler decis­i­on,
in: Recht der Abfall­wirt­schaft (AbfallR) 2003, p. 284 ff.

Reor­ga­ni­sa­ti­on of the law on was­te wood,
in: Recht der Abfall­wirt­schaft (AbfallR) 2003, p. 10 ff.

Impact of the EC preli­mi­na­ry ruling pro­ce­du­re on natio­nal pro­ce­du­ral law,
in: Neue Zeit­schrift für Ver­wal­tungs­recht (NVwZ) 2002, p. 1328 ff.

The legal insti­tu­ti­on of sub­stan­ti­ve pre­clu­si­on in envi­ron­men­tal and buil­ding law appr­oval pro­ce­du­res,
in: Müns­teri­sche Bei­trä­ge zur Rechts­wis­sen­schaft (MBR), vol. 139, 2001, Dun­cker & Humblot.

Dr Anno Oexle

+49 221 4207 – 280