Commentary on § 45 ff. of the Act on the Development and Promotion of Wind Energy at Sea (WindSeeG),
in: Klement/Müller-Terpitz (eds.), Kommentar zum Energierecht, Nomos Verlag [publication expected in early 2023].
Extended producer responsibility,
in: Kurth/Oexle/Faulstich (eds.), Handbuch der Kreislauf- und Rohstoffwirtschaft, 2nd edition 2022, Verlag Springer Vieweg
Circular economy and climate protection,
in: Kurth/Oexle/Faulstich (eds.), Handbuch der Kreislauf- und Rohstoffwirtschaft, 2nd edition 2022, Verlag Springer Vieweg
On the (in)applicability of the Fuel Emissions Trading Act to waste,
in: Klima und Recht (KlimR) [published in 05/2022].
Benchmarks and assessment principles in the law on waste charges,
in: Neue Zeitschrift für Verwaltungsrecht (NVwZ) 2021, p. 1321 ff. [in collaboration with Prof Dr R. Breuer].
Design of branch-based take-back systems for old textiles,
in: Schmoll/Boeminghaus (eds.), Moderecht – Vermarktung und Vertrieb , 1st edition 2021, p. 191 ff., Verlag C.H. Beck.
Climate policy before the administrative courts – challenges of „climate change litigation“,
in: Neue Zeitschrift für Verwaltungsrecht (NVwZ) 2020, p. 1723 ff. [in collaboration with T. Lammers].
Commentary on § 4 KrWG (by-products), the Commercial Waste Ordinance, the Waste Shipment Ordinance as well as § 7 VerpackG (system participation obligation), § 18 VerpackG (authorisation) and § 22 VerpackG (coordination),
in: Schmehl/Klement (eds.), Gemeinschaftskommentar zum Kreislaufwirtschaftsgesetz (GK-KrWG), 2nd edition 2019, Carl Heymanns Verlag.
On the scope of take-back systems in the context of voluntary product responsibility,
in: Zeitschrift für das Recht der Abfallwirtschaft (AbfallR) 2019, p. 223 ff. [in collaboration with T. Lammers].
Preventive flood protection in ports and shipyards – scope for port development,
2018, Nomos Verlag [in collaboration with Prof Dr R. Breuer].
End-of-waste status of substitute building materials. Incompatibility of § 21 sentence 3 of the draft bill for a substitute building materials ordinance with higher-ranking federal law and EU law,
in: Zeitschrift für das Recht der Abfallwirtschaft (AbfallR) 2017, p. 110 ff. [in collaboration with T. Lammers].
The EU Commission’s circular economy package,
in: Flamme/Gellenbeck/Rotter/Kranert/Nelles/Quicker (eds.), Münsteraner Schriften zur Abfallwirtschaft, vol. 17, 2017, p. 49 ff.
Environmental management as an integral part of compliance management in industrial companies,
in: Compliance-Berater (CB) 2016, p. 25 ff. [in collaboration with Dr H. Schlemminger].
Disposal of old electrical appliances on behalf of the owner,
in: Zeitschrift für das Recht der Abfallwirtschaft (AbfallR) 2016, p. 27 ff. [in cooperation with T. Lammers].
Compliance in recycling and waste management,
in: Hauschka/Moosmayer/Lösler (eds.), Corporate Compliance, 3rd edition 2016, p. 1628 ff., C.H. Beck Verlag [in collaboration with T. Lammers].
Voluntary product responsibility: Take-back of old clothes by retailers,
in: Neue Zeitschrift für Verwaltungsrecht (NVwZ) 2015, p. 1490 ff. [in collaboration with T. Lammers].
Recovered paper judgment before the BVerfG (German Federal Constitutional Court) – The bearing of the court order of 28/08/2014,
in: Zeitschrift für das Recht der Abfallwirtschaft (AbfallR) 2015, p. 192 ff. [in collaboration with T. Lammers].
Influences of public law on the drafting of civil law contracts in the circular economy,
in: Posser/Pünder/Schröder (eds.), Festschrift zum 70. Geburtstag von Prof Dirk Ehlers, p. 622 ff., 2015, C.H. Beck Verlag [in collaboration with Dr A. de Diego].
Commercial collection of biowaste from private households – Pure theory or already current practice?,
in: Dornack/Scholwin/Liebetreu/Faßauer/Nelles (eds.), Tagungsband zur 10. Biogastagung in Dresden, 2015, p. 13 ff. [in collaboration with T. Lammers and Dr A. Ochs].
On the relationship between mining law and soil protection law after the BVerwG decision of 21/04/2015,
in: Zeitschrift für Deutsches und Europäisches Wasser, Abwasser- und Bodenschutzrecht (W+B) 2015, p. 227 ff. [in collaboration with T. Lammers].
On the development of waste shipment law,
in: Zeitschrift für Europäisches Umwelt- und Planungsrecht (EurUP) 2014, p. 33 ff.
Wastewater levy for the discharge of polluted precipitation water via a non-public sewer system,
in: Zeitschrift für Deutsches und Europäisches Wasser, Abwasser- und Bodenschutzrecht (W+B) 2014, p. 121 ff. [in collaboration with Prof Dr R. Breuer].
Legal questions concerning the permissibility of commercial collection of biowaste,
in: Zeitschrift für das Recht der Abfallwirtschaft (AbfallR) 2014, p. 225 ff. [in collaboration with T. Lammers].
Waste transfer obligations under waste law – on the edge between services of general interest and market economy,
in: Kurth/Oexle/Faulstich (eds.), Handbuch der Kreislauf- und Rohstoffwirtschaft, 1st edition 2017, p. 91 ff., Springer Verlag.
Liability in the canal user relationship,
in: Zeitschrift für Deutsches und Europäisches Wasser, Abwasser- und Bodenschutzrecht (W+B) 2013, p. 208 ff. [in collaboration with T. Lammers].
Through the back door: Does § 1004 BGB entitle municipalities to prohibit on-site correction of misfilling?
in: Zeitschrift für das Recht der Abfallwirtschaft (AbfallR) 2011, p. 128 ff.
Disclosure of the producer in the case of cross-border drop shipment of Green List waste,
in: Zeitschrift für das Recht der Abfallwirtschaft (AbfallR) 2011, p. 36 ff. [in collaboration with Dr O. Kropp].
Compliance in recycling and waste management,
in: Hauschka (ed.), Corporate Compliance, 2nd edition 2010, p. 1012 ff., C.H. Beck Verlag.
Commentary on the EC Waste Shipment Regulation,
2010, Carl Heymanns Verlag [joint editorship with Prof Dr A. Epiney and Prof Dr R. Breuer].
On the amendment of the Federal Immission Control Act by the Environmental Law Reform Act,
in: Zeitschrift für das Recht der Abfallwirtschaft (AbfallR) 2009, p. 11 ff.
The sale of contaminated land in the area of conflict between contract law and soil protection law,
in: Egloffstein/Burkhardt (eds.), 10 Jahre BBodSchV in Deutschland, 2009, p. 21 ff.
Legal issues of the new shipment law,
in: Zeitschrift für Umweltrecht (ZUR) 2007, p. 460 ff.
Compliance in recycling and waste management,
in: Hauschka (Hrsg.), Corporate Compliance, 1. Auflage 2007, S. 715 ff., C.H. Beck Verlag.
Legal questions of on-site correction of misfilling – The limits of municipal statute law in defining the time of transfer,
in: Neue Zeitschrift für Verwaltungsrecht (NVwZ) 2007, p. 1125 ff.
The new Electrical and Electronic Equipment Act,
in: Zeitschrift für das Recht der Abfallwirtschaft (AbfallR) 2005, p. 98 ff.
Public enterprises in the focus of public procurement and competition law – developments and perspectives,
in: Zeitschrift für Kommunalwirtschaft 2005, p. 204 ff.
On the permissibility of joint storage of MBT waste with waste within the meaning of § 6 para. 3 sentence 1 of the Ordinance on Landfills and Long-term Storage Facilities (DepV),
in: Müll und Abfall 2005, p. 364 ff. [in collaboration with Dr-Ing J. Dach and H. Krampen].
The new landfill law in enforcement – On the execution of administrative acts by the legislator,
in: Neue Zeitschrift für Verwaltungsrecht (NVwZ) 2004, p. 1301 ff.
Contaminated soil as waste – comment on ECJ, judgment of 07/09/2004, Case C1/03 (Van de Walle and others),
in: Europäische Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftsrecht / European Journal of Business Law (EuZW) 2004, p. 627 ff.
On the nullity of de facto awards without a competitive procedure – comment on the decision of the OLG Düsseldorf (Düsseldorf Higher Regional Court) of 03/12/2003,
in: Vergaberecht (VergabeR) 2004, p. 302 ff. [in collaboration with Dr D. R. Lück].
On the formal constitutionality of substantive preclusion norms in the law of the Länder,
in: Bayerische Verwaltungsblätter (BayVBl) 2004, p. 265 ff.
The relationship between the EC Waste Shipment Regulation and the EC Treaty after the DaimlerChrysler decision,
in: Recht der Abfallwirtschaft (AbfallR) 2003, p. 284 ff.
Reorganisation of the law on waste wood,
in: Recht der Abfallwirtschaft (AbfallR) 2003, p. 10 ff.
Impact of the EC preliminary ruling procedure on national procedural law,
in: Neue Zeitschrift für Verwaltungsrecht (NVwZ) 2002, p. 1328 ff.
The legal institution of substantive preclusion in environmental and building law approval procedures,
in: Münsterische Beiträge zur Rechtswissenschaft (MBR), vol. 139, 2001, Duncker & Humblot.