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Dr Rai­ner Geesmann’s legal prac­ti­ce focu­ses on envi­ron­men­tal and plan­ning law. He advi­ses and repres­ents plant ope­ra­tors and deve­lo­pers, par­ti­cu­lar­ly in immis­si­on con­trol and sec­to­ral plan­ning law. Dr Gees­mann is often con­sul­ted in com­plex licen­sing and appr­oval pro­ce­du­res with public participation.

In addi­ti­on to his com­pre­hen­si­ve exper­ti­se and many years of expe­ri­ence in envi­ron­men­tal and plan­ning law, cli­ents app­re­cia­te his spe­cial under­stan­ding of the ope­ra­tio­nal and tech­ni­cal prin­ci­ples of the tasks assi­gned to him and his abili­ty to find an appro­pria­te solu­ti­on in con­sul­ta­ti­on with experts and repre­sen­ta­ti­ves of the authorities.

Cur­ri­cu­lum vitae

Law stu­dies in Müns­ter, Nan­cy and Trier

Rese­arch assi­sant at the Insti­tu­te for Public Law and Poli­tics at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Münster

Doc­to­ra­te with a com­pa­ra­ti­ve law the­sis on Euro­pean and con­sti­tu­tio­nal law under Prof Dr Pieroth

2006 to 2009: Prac­ti­ce as a lawy­er in a nati­on­wi­de com­mer­cial law firm in Hamm, spe­cia­li­sing in immis­si­on con­trol and con­s­truc­tion law.

Ein­tritt in die Sozie­tät Köh­ler & Klett (heu­te okl & part­ner), Büro Köln, 2009

Seit 2014: Part­ner der Sozie­tät Köh­ler & Klett (heu­te okl & partner)

Mem­ber of the Gesell­schaft für Umwelt­recht e.V. (Socie­ty for Envi­ron­men­tal Law) and the Admi­nis­tra­ti­ve Law Working Group of the Ger­man Bar Asso­cia­ti­on (Deut­scher Anwaltverein)


New con­s­truc­tion and con­ver­si­on of (co-)incineration plants – requi­re­ments under immis­si­on con­trol law and the amen­ded UVPG and UmwRG,
in: Thiel/­Tho­mé-Koz­mi­en­sky/­Quicker/­Gos­ten (eds.), Ener­gie aus Abfall, vol. 16, 2019, pp. 165 – 180.

Plant licen­sing law,
in: Kurth/Oexle/Faulstich (eds.), Pra­xis­hand­buch der Kreis­lauf- und Roh­stoff­wirt­schaft, 2018, pp. 157 – 178.

No legal stan­ding of muni­ci­pa­li­ties in actions against mining permits,
in: Zeit­schrift für Gesteins­per­spek­ti­ven 2017, p. 6 [in col­la­bo­ra­ti­on with V. Eske].

New aspects in the licen­sing and ope­ra­ti­on of was­te dis­po­sal faci­li­ties – what chan­ges will result from the IED?
in: Tho­mé-Koz­mi­en­sky/­T­hiel/­Tho­mé-Koz­mi­en­sky (eds.), Stra­te­gie – Pla­nung – Umwelt­recht, vol. 11, 2017, pp. 3 – 15.

Con­cen­tra­ti­on zones for raw mate­ri­al extra­c­tion – What per­spec­ti­ves are left for the companies?,
in: Zeit­schrift für Gesteins­per­spek­ti­ven 2016, p. 10 f. [in col­la­bo­ra­ti­on with V. Eske].

Amend­ments to the 4th BImSchV have come into force – stric­ter requi­re­ments for was­te manage­ment facilities,
in: Abbruch Aktu­ell, 02/2015, p. 32f.

The initi­al sta­tus report for IED installations,
in: Zeit­schrift für Immis­si­ons­schutz­recht und Emis­si­ons­han­del (I+E) 2013, p. 262 ff.

When Inter­net pil­lo­ry­ing is looming,
in: RECY­CLING maga­zin 22/2013, p. 22 f.

Dat­teln pro­cee­dings – Chal­lenges in the plan­ning of indus­tri­al plants,
in: Immis­si­ons­schutz­recht – Aktu­el­le Ent­wick­lun­gen im anla­gen­be­zo­ge­nen Pla­nungs­pro­zess und Immis­si­ons­schutz, vol. 3, pp. 259 – 266.

Sel­ec­ted legal issues of par­al­lel tra­ding in plant pro­tec­tion products,
in: Zeit­schrift für Stoff­recht (StoffR) 2011, pp. 134 – 141.

Dust expo­sure during the ope­ra­ti­on of mobi­le con­s­truc­tion was­te pro­ces­sing plants,
in: Abbruch aktu­ell 12/2010, p. 11 f.

On the amend­ment of the BImSchG by the Envi­ron­men­tal Law Reform Act,
in: Zeit­schrift für das Recht der Abfall­wirt­schaft (AbfallR) 2009, p. 11 ff. [in col­la­bo­ra­ti­on with Dr A. Oexle].

Dr Rai­ner Geesmann

+49 221 4207 – 297