Thomas Lammers advises domestic and foreign companies on public commercial law issues. His practice focuses on environmental law, in particular climate protection law, waste law including product responsibility, water and soil protection law as well as municipal tax law. His regular tasks include representation in administrative and judicial proceedings, review and drafting of civil and public law contracts with reference to environmental law issues, as well as assistance in current regulatory projects.
Curriculum vitae
Law studies in Frankfurt (Oder)
Research assistant at the Institute for Public Law and Politics at the University of Münster
Eintritt in die Sozietät Köhler & Klett (heute okl & partner), Büro Köln, 2013
Waste concept – beginning and end of waste status,
in: Kurth/Oexle/Faulstich (eds.), Handbuch der Kreislauf- und Rohstoffwirtschaft, 2nd edition 2022, Verlag Springer Vieweg [publication expected in August 2022].
Circular economy and climate protection,
in: Kurth/Oexle/Faulstich (eds.), Handbuch der Kreislauf- und Rohstoffwirtschaft, 2nd edition 2022, Verlag Springer Vieweg [publication expected in August 2022, in collaboration with Dr A. Oexle].
On the (in)applicability of the Fuel Emissions Trading Act to waste,
in: Klima und Recht (KlimR) [published in 05/2022, in collaboration with Dr A. Oexle].
Climate policy before the administrative courts – challenges of „climate change litigation“,
in: Neue Zeitschrift für Verwaltungsrecht (NVwZ) 2020, p. 1723 ff. [in collaboration with Dr A. Oexle]
Commentary on Art. 1 – 10 and Art. 31 – 64 of the Waste Shipment Ordinance (VVA), Abfallverbringungsverordnung (VVA),
in: Schmehl/Klement (eds.), Gemeinschaftskommentar zum Kreislaufwirtschaftsgesetz (GK-KrWG), 2nd edition 2019 [in collaboration with Dr A. Oexle].
End-of-waste status of substitute building materials. Incompatibility of § 21 p. 3 of the draft bill for a substitute building materials ordinance with higher-ranking federal law and EU law,
in: Zeitschrift für das Recht der Abfallwirtschaft (AbfallR) 2017, p. 110 ff. [in collaboration with Dr A. Oexle].
Disposal of old electrical appliances on behalf of the owner,
in: Zeitschrift für das Recht der Abfallwirtschaft (AbfallR) 2016, p. 27 ff. [in collaboration with Dr A. Oexle].
Compliance in recycling and waste management,
in: Hauschka/Moosmayer/Lösler (Hrsg.), Corporate Compliance, 3. Auflage 2016, S. 1628 ff. [gemeinsam mit Dr. A. Oexle].
Compliance in recycling and waste management,
in: Hauschka/Moosmayer/Lösler (eds.), Corporate Compliance, 3rd edition 2016, p. 1628 ff. [in collaboration with Dr A. Oexle].
Way clear for remunicipalisation,
in: Recycling Magazin 20/2016, p. 18 ff. [in collaboration with Dr A. Oexle].
The waste paper ruling before the BVerfG (German Federal Constitutional Court) – on the significance of the decision of 28/08/2014,
in: Zeitschrift für das Recht der Abfallwirtschaft (AbfallR) 2015, p. 192 ff. [in collaboration with Dr A. Oexle].
Uncertain times for commercial collectors,
in: Recycling Almanac 2015, p. 53 ff. [in collaboration with Dr A. Oexle].
The legislative competence for gambling halls before the state constitutional courts,
in: Zeitschrift für Gewerbe- und Wirtschaftsverwaltungsrecht (GewArch) 2015, p. 54 ff.
Commercial collection of biowaste from private households – Pure theory or already current practice?,
in: Dornack/Scholwin/Liebetreu/Faßauer/Nelles, Tagungsband 10. Biogastagung Dresden, S. 13 ff. [gemeinsam mit Dr. A. Oexle und Dr. A. Ochs].
Voluntary product responsibility: Take-back of old clothes by retailers,
in: Neue Zeitschrift für Verwaltungsrecht (NVwZ) 2015, S. 1490 ff. [gemeinsam mit Dr. A. Oexle].
A phosphorus strategy for Germany,
in: Korrespondenz Abwasser, Abfall (KA) 2015 S. 993 ff. [gemeinsam mit D. Montag, W. Everding, S. Malms, J. Pinnekamp, U. Arnold, M. Trimborn, H. Goldbach, J. Reinhardt, H. Fehrenbach, Prof. Dr. W. Klett].
On the relationship between mining law and soil protection law after the BVerwG decision of 21/04/2015,
in: Zeitschrift für Deutsches und Europäisches Wasser, Abwasser- und Bodenschutzrecht (W+B) 2015, p. 227 ff. [in collaboration with Dr A. Oexle].
Partnerships as commercial collectors,
in: Zeitschrift für Umweltrecht (ZUR) 2014, p. 242 ff. [in collaboration with Dr A. Oexle and Dr A. de Diego].
Legal questions concerning the permissibility of the commercial collection of biowaste,
in: Zeitschrift für das Recht der Abfallwirtschaft (AbfallR) 2014, p. 225 ff. [in collaboration with Dr A. Oexle].
Fundamentals of a phosphorus strategy for Germany,
in: Abfall – Recycling – Altlasten, Tagungsband zum 27. Aachener Kolloquium für Abfall- und Ressourcenwirtschaft, vol. 40, 2014 [in collaboration with W. Everding, D. Montag, J. Pinnekamp, U. Arnold, M. Trimborn, H. Goldbach, J. Reinhardt, H. Fehrenbach, Prof Dr W. Klett].
B2B: Contested access,
in: RECYCLING magazin 10/2014, p. 28 f. [in collaboration with Dr A. Oexle].
Can OHG, KG & GbR be collectors?,
in: RECYCLING magazin, 03/2014, p. 22 f. [in collaboration with Dr A. Oexle and Dr A. de Diego].
Trend-setting decision, comment on the decision of the OVG Lüneburg (Lüneburg Higher Administrative Court) of 15/08/2013 (7 ME 62/13),
in: RECYCLING magazin 17/2013, p. 19 [in collaboration with Dr A. Oexle].
Liability in the canal user relationship,
in: Zeitschrift für Deutsches und Europäisches Wasser, Abwasser- und Bodenschutzrecht (W+B) 2013, p. 208 ff. [in collaboration with Dr A. Oexle].
Thomas Lammers
+49 221 4207 – 280